JVR Airbrush color Opague White 130 ml

Category: Betesbyggarkiosken

Tags: DIY, Make a wooden lure, White, Solid, Accessories wood lure, Opaque, Airbrush color

JVR Airbrush color Opague White 130 ml

139,00 kr
Item number
Stock status:
Not in stock
Product group:
Airbrush colors JVR

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Product information

The JVR Revolution Color series is amazing and easy-to-use.
It's an water-based acrylic paint with a high percentage of color pigments around 50%.

They have a huge color spectra due to the high content of color pigment which makes it long lasting and covering.
JVR colors can be used on different surfaces like paper, wood, plastic, fiberglass, nails, epoxy and metal.

These colors do not contain vinyl binders and therefore dries quickly. They are also suitable for working on textiles.
It fits nozzles from 0.2 mm but works optimally with 0.3 mm - 0.5 mm.
If you want to make the paint thinner just dilute itvwith Hobbynox Reducer/Cleaner with up to 25%.
When dired, the color is no longer water-soluble. The airbrush should be cleaned immediately after use with soap and water, alcohol or window cleaning spray.

Do not forget to use filtered half mask or face mask, in good ventilation and with protective gloves.