Svartzonker Plastisol Medium 2,5 liter
Svartzonker Plastisol Medium 2,5 liter
- Item number
- 201601
- Stock status:
- In stock
- Product group:
- Plastisol & Härdare
- Category
- Betesbyggarkiosken
Product information
SZ Plastisol is a completely phthalate-free plastisol, commonly called a "green plastisol". It's clear, tack-free and it laments perfectly, highlighting color and glitter extremely well.
Start by shaking the plastisol thoroughly before use. To get it better mixed put in a larger nut or bullet in the bottle before shaking.
Also, keep in mind that small air bubbles are shaken into the plastic, so allow the bottle to stand for a few minutes to rest before you start to use it. Then the air bubbles will rise to the surface.
If you experience that there are some air bubbles left in after heating you can run the plastisol for a few minutes at the lowest power (defrost) in microwave owen.
Use pyrex pots and microwave owen for best result and always blend in colors and glitter in the end of the process.
One excepttion are fluo colors that get the best results if they are mixed before heating.
This is how you do it:
Heat the plasticisol on high power in microware owen in portions so that it doesn't burn. The perfect lamination temperature is approximately 160 degrees. Remember to wear protective equipment such as heat-resistant gloves, suitable breathing mask and apron in well-ventilated areas. Also ensure that there is no risk of contact with water when heated.
Hardness: Shore A 18 +/- 1