SZ Nylon coated wire 10 m -

Category: Terminal Tackle

SZ Nylon coated wire 10 m -

39,00 kr (Regular price 79,00 kr)
Item number
Stock status:
In stock
Product group:
Terminal Tackle

Product information

Durable and strong steel wire from Svartzonker!
This 7-strand stainless steel wire coated with nylon gives a safe and stylish finish to your pike leaders or soft stingers.
For the best finish, we recommend using SZ double crimps and melt the end of the wire.

Available in six different dimensions.

20lbs/9kg (0,44mm)
30lbs/13kg (0,48mm)
40lbs/18kg (0,55mm)
60lbs/27kg (0,62mm)
80lbs/36kg (0,72mm)
100lbs/45kg (0,76mm)